ASCs (Authorised Support Centres) are maintenance companies with a specific know-how of different security measures that have chosen to extend their skills to encompass pumping units, becoming a fundamental, integral part of GEI’s fire safety maintenance operations. A professional journey born from a desire to represent a high-quality product and a complete affiliation to GEI as sole manufacturing Partner in the fire safety sphere.
GEI reserves for its ASC candidate companies an exclusive vertical development course, organised within its own Skills Centre or at the main offices of its product Partners, such as diesel motor, hydraulic pump and electrical panel manufacturers. An experiential, preparatory training programme, implemented with the participation of international teachers, that goes through continuous, substantial maintenance practice on HYPERLINK "" fire extinguishing systems and the main components that comprise them.
Becoming a GEI Authorised Support Centre means, first and foremost, improving and ensuring a quality maintenance standard for fire extinguishing systems. This company ideology has always made GEI stand out, identifying it as the only party in the sector capable of operating promptly and with widespread diffusion, anytime and anywhere, on any type of system.
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